Ensuring Health Equity

Building a diverse pipeline for healthcare

In partnership with the Ascension Foundation for Health Equity, we are helping build a diverse pipeline for healthcare by inspiring middle school students to Go Out And Love Science (#GOALS).

Through hands-on experiences and personal interactions with healthcare students and practitioners, students learn about a wide variety of fields and hear how others overcome obstacles to pursue healthcare careers.

Click here to read an in depth article about #GOALS.

The Ascension Foundation for Health Equity is dedicated to addressing the root causes of health disparities in the United States. We invest in innovative solutions that have the promise to more quickly bring a just future for people, families and communities.

Gathering data to drive change

Advancing health equity begins by listening and understanding the needs of the populations we serve. Using a standardized screening tool, our primary care providers have collected more than 2.2 million social determinants of health surveys. The tool’s questions cover topics such as loneliness, violence, food insecurity, housing, education and financial issues – all things that can influence a patient’s overall health and well-being.

Leading with inclusion

As a Catholic health ministry, we have a unique obligation and calling – reflected in our very mission statement – to advocate for a more just and compassionate society in words and actions.